Sunday, September 25, 2011

5 AwesomeFaces I'd Like To Get Smashed With.

I got this off katetakes5 and also found out another list by Metal Mummy which was Top 5 Celebs I'd Like To Punch In The Face and that is surely one I'd be doing because being angry is so fun. Punch Punch Punch.

The first get-smashed companion will be Dara O'Briain.

Just LOOK at him. In Purple. Brilliant, I tell you. I'm still waiting for that fabled Sat Nav with his voice and driving-instructions. Not that I drive. Yet. But it will still be hilarious hearing him while Jaz drives.

Eddie Izzard. Bloody hell, he actually looks quite fit in this. I just love his lazy drawl and I imagine he'd morph into something fitter as we both get properly smashed.

Jo Brand. Now this is a woman I would love to claim is my mother. In fact, I'd get her so drunk so that she would sign some adoption papers involving my person. Yes. That is a plan.

Bang Tidy, this Keith Lemon. Because every woman wants to get drunk and have a man with that fucking moustache try to lick her cleavage. And be screaming POTATOES at the top of his head.

Jon Richardson. Because he's funny. And gorgeous. And smart. And has dimples. And look at him smiling there. Surely, he is smiling at me. Yes. Definitely. Wow, I'd love to spill some beer down his front... area. I'd let him smash my back door in.


He can smash my front door.

And then you realize my entire list consisted mainly of Stand-Ups. Of course. They are the only type of human beings worth nursing a pint of beer with. Apart from some angry mummy bloggers and Kaz, of course.


  1. I'm quite sure that Keith would agree to a pint after that invitation - I mean. who could refuse?

  2. Ahahaha. In fact, I think I'll post that on his Twatter.


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