Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Really, Facebook?

This advert keeps popping up on the right side of my Faceshet page and every time I see it I think, 'Really?'. Women love this game? Why? Because it taps into our maternal side and all we really want to do is rear dragons? I do know that most of the ads that pop up on the side came from a research that they did on all our profile pages to specifically target at us. Like myself, for example. I am stated as 'Engaged' on my profile and I get loads of ads on the side about wedding photographies, honeymoon holidays, craploads of cupcakes that look so good I will cry if anyone really eats that at my wedding, wedding dresses and so on and so forth. I also get a lot of ads about junk food, processed drinks, more cakes unrelated to weddings and... Weight-slimming ads. What are you trying to tell me, FB? Apart from the fact that you a tad condescending. Why do I feel like each and every site that I have registered on are in cahoots with FB? They communicate with each other, Superdrug and FB and the moment I log in to Superdrugs to look at latest deals, FB is spamming the right side of my wall with deals for Aussie conditioners in Superdrugs. It is almost as though I might log off Superdrugs, not be as tempted with the deals there and then see the ads on my FB and finally get tempted and decide that if I don't buy Aussie Conditioners I might actually self-detonate. Why am I getting ads from Clearblue after I randomly bookmarked 'Predict Your Baby's Sex' on my Chrome?

I posted a video from Youtube about an Australian evangelist and the next thing I know, I have church site adverts. I'm more intrigued about the church paying FB some £200 to advertise god, really.

iPhone 4S is out apparently. I have no idea. I saw some post about it being made by a friend and he went a bit excited and mental for a bit there. I imagined he must have frothed at the mouth as well. I am not a big Apple person. I even resented the iPod that I had. It was alright, it played music like I wanted it to, it looked nice enough but I would rather another brand that is not as soul-destroying when it comes to installing music or taking it off the iPod to transfer onto the PC for back-up purposes or when my iTunes shat and died on me. I just wish that Apple had gone with the Roman Numerical approach to the iPhone. In 3 years time, we are all going to see some stupid number next to the phone that may have some funky-sounding techno-gadgety word next to it. Like iPhone 19 Ultramax, that would really some like some sanitary pad, if you ask me. Had they gone for the Roman Numerical approach, they would be on to iPhone V now and that would sound so much better. iPhone V, VI, VII, VIII, IX. Wewt. See how prettier that looked instantly? As opposed to iPhone 5, 6, 7, 8, 9? iPhone 4S, huh? Like... An abbreviation for iPhone 4Shizzle or something?

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